Assorted cables and wires


  1. May 16, 2024


    Savegames. I avoided them with the first three Ines games with the (barely defendable) excuse that they are short enough to be ok without them. Our latest point & click adventure game The founders of …
  2. August 16, 2023

    How I set up my games for translation

    Introduction I’m currently in the process of translating my latest game, so I decided to write about the system I’m using to make things simpler for myself. I’m doing this for two reasons: It …
  3. April 30, 2023

    How to easily build a macos application without a mac by using CI/CD tools

    Introduction I’ve been making a C++ game engine from scratch in the past few months, and one of the first things I worked on after getting the basics working was making sure that the engine compiled and …